7th August 2024 Planning Committee – Additional Representations
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Site Address |
Application No. |
Comment |
Item A, p23 |
Royal Pavilion Gardens Pavilion Buildings |
BH2023/02835 |
Up-date plans list Updated Condition 1 – amended plan for clarification of tree removal
Additional plan for clarification of tree removal
Item B, p59
Item B, p63 |
Royal Pavilion Gardens Pavilion Buildings |
BH2023/02836 |
Up-date plans list Updated Informative – amended plan for clarification of tree removal
Additional plan for clarification of tree removal
Following readvertisement due to amendments, further 2 (two) objections have been received from The Brighton Society and Living Streets raising the following: - Welcome improvements to the gardens/omission of gates but uphold objection to the proposed railings surrounding the site, - Revisions to boundaries and entrances is confusing as it states that the gates will be omitted but no justification for installing the proposed high railings, still implies not public gardens and forms visual and psychological barrier between the community and the gardens, - Cost of railings and the maintenance, - 24-hour access needs to be ensured via covenants, - internal railing design, and - internal railings should only be used where protection is necessary t separate pathways from flowerbeds and shrubberies, elsewhere they would be atrip hazard.
Following readvertisement due to amendments, further 1 (one) comment has been received noting the following: - support positive benefit and enhance the gardens, their preservation and that of the Dome itself in all respects, and - object to decision to keep the gardens open at night – cannot see any justification for them being kept open, police report has been ignored, gardens impacted at night by anti-social behaviour.
Officer note: no additional issues raised that have not already been addressed in the Officer Report.
Item C, p99 |
Windlesham House 123 Windlesham Close Portslade BN41 2AB
BH2023/02790 |
Correction to the Officer Report paragraph 9.25: “Four habitable spaces
(serving worst affected: …” |
Item D, p116
P115 |
Sussex County Cricket Ground |
BH2024/00904 |
Additional consultee response: County Ecology: No objection subject to condition The design and access statement references planting but no details have been provided in terms of number of plants/species etc. This should be secured by condition.
Condition 19 of outline application BH2023/02914 requires details of any external lighting scheme, this should still apply.
One (1) additional letter of support has been received raising the following: -The new stands will be an improvement as the temporary stands are an eyesore and uncomfortable. -The new stands will improve accessibility -The stands will ensure growth of the cricket club -The stands will not increase capacity beyond the current license
Item F, p150 |
120 Holland Road Hove BN3 1JR |
Error in report at 9.17 incorrectly references the host property at 120 Holland Road and should instead refer to the northern neighbour at 122 Holland Road. “It is acknowledged that
there would be a degree of loss of direct sunlight and some degree
of overshadowing during the winter months particularly of the
neighbouring glazed roof at |
Item G, p159 |
45 Norfolk Road, Brighton |
BH2023/03393 |
Updated Condition 1 – amended set of plans following site visit:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings listed below. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
Item H, p175 |
7 Saxon CloseSaltdeanBrightonBN2 8GA |
BH2024/00692 |
Deletion of duplicated condition Condition 19 to be deleted as duplicates condition 9, but with updated plans which should be referred to.
Condition 9 should now read: “The dwelling hereby
approved shall be implemented in strict accordance with the
internal layouts detailed on the proposed floorplans Reason: To ensure an acceptable standard of accommodation for future occupiers is provided and maintained thereafter and to comply with policy DM1 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two.”
Item J, p205 |
47 Eastbrook RoadPortsladeBN41 1LN |
BH2024/00872 |
Additional comment received:
A further comment has been received objecting to the proposal for the following reasons: - Overdevelopment - Loss of property value - Additional traffic - If HMO then this will be problematic
Officer response: No additional issues raised that have not already been addressed in the Officer Report. HMO use is not sought.
Item J, p208 |
47 Eastbrook RoadPortsladeBN41 1LN |
BH2024/00872 |
Correction to the Officer Report paragraph 9.14:
“9.14. One of the representations has raised concerns about trees in the garden but no trees would be affected by the scheme. Concern was also raised over the presence of slow worms but given the small scale of the scheme and permitted development fall-back, it is not considered proportionate to seek further surveys. The applicant is still required to comply with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) where slow worms are protected under Schedule 5.”
Item O, p267 |
70A Clarendon Villas Hove BN3 3RA |
BH2024/00941 |
Updated Condition 1 – amended set of approved plans following site visit:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings listed below. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.